Monday 28 May 2012

Fashion weekly: Why diets fail

Did you know that men and women lose the same amount on a diet? Many people from each gender want to go onto weight-loss programs. So, then why do we quite the dieting program? We will be discussing the three main reasons why diets do not work.

1.       The diets fail the person. The diet is structured too specific to meet our own lives. The diet should be more formatted to fit our time, energy levels, fitness routine, etc. Most people who are on a diet are also working it with fitness; and, most people who work out for more than 3 hours a bi-daily are required extra protein in their diets.

2.       It is limiting you from the right food. Some diets are specific in what they want you to eat such as a powdered milkshake in the morning for your breakfast. A healthy choice can be an raw egg with milk and spices; that is right egg-nag.  Surprising if you do not add too much sugar, this little beverage can give you the energy you need. When I use to be on the track-team, I had this morning breakfast and shot it back and for the rest of my day I was wide awake and active and this little drink helped me get into semi-finals.

3.       The weight-loss plateau. It means that no matter what diet you go on eventually your body will fail. Your body will notice the change of diet and act according with losing the amount of fat. However once you have lost that much fat, your body has lesser pounds which make it that your body does not to eat as much as previously.

So, than what is recommended? The Canadian Food Guide is a great way to start.    They recommend 5-12 servings of both the grain and fruit section. Milk products get 2-4 per serving unless you are pregnant than it is 3-4.  Meat and alternatives food group gets 2-3 per daily serving. Remember to consult with your doctor for the dieting tips you need.

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