Tuesday 29 May 2012

Interview: When Long-distance relationships become strained

Hey everyone, catch this! I am your host Lizzie with ETH. Today, we are gathered here with Mr. Gloud, someone who has no social challenges but has experiences with dating one. Who has experienced a connection as an ex-fiancée with someone who has Aspersers. How long were you dating her?
I believe over a year, then off and on, then about a year
What did you believe the hardest thing about the relationship was?
The distance
Long distance can be tough. What is the advice you would give someone who was looking for the same type of relationship?
Try to make sure you have a good call plan, or use messangers to help keep costs down if possible
Okay, how hard is it to keep a friendship with the same girl you almost married?
For me its not too hard, just knowing they are being taken care of is good enough for me.
As the friend and an ex-partner, do you feel that her social challenges had any effect on your relationship?
Yes, she would talk to me often about various issues in her life which considering it was a distance relationship made me felt as if I was carrying extra baggage.
Do you have any advice who was in your position?
Try to handle things level headed and if it starts to become too much let the other person know.
In your opinion who do you believe is better suited for someone who has a social challenge? A person with the same social challenge or someone who does not. And, why?
Supposedly people with similar challenges are not supposed to be together, though I believe it differs from person to person.
Last week, we had a person stating that his girlfriend and him have issues with communication and compassion. How did you resolve this in your pervious relationship and current relationship?
Last week, we discussed Dr. John Gray's idea that men sometimes go into their caves. According to Dr. John Gray, women need to respect the guy's private times. How do you feel that this has played a role in your relationship with her?
It wouldn't have hurt to be honest
Thank you for this interview. I am your host Lizzie from ETH. Remember, true love conquers all challenges. Until next time, where we interview a mother who says her daughter is her biggest hero because of her social challenge!

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