Thursday 3 May 2012

The Dream girl - A woman's guide to a man's heart

A issue for women while in a relationship is how to become a guy's dream girl. A girl must learn how to not come off too assertive, clinging, not-attentive, or door-mat material. Today's article, Thursday,  will teach women how to become and stay the dream girl.

The Assertive Girl
An assertive girl is thought to know what they want and not afraid to go out and get it. They are risk takers often leading towards careers, in: policing, military, etc. Their issues may arise that they tend to dominate the relationship and do not listen to their partners suggestions.

My mother is an assertive girl who loves to attempt to dominate her relationships. The guys have to battle to have a say in what they want or need. My dad is one that tends to make slight adjustments although often continues to have to listen to what my mother says. My dad will try to get her to change her mind but with no vial.

Power is key in the work force, however require to lighten up a little bit to have a successful relationship. They should attempt to be a more active listener to the desires of their partners. Start of making slow adjustments to assist with the balance of ideas to improve the relationship. Or give the idea of an equal partnership by making it seem that it was them who decided on it.

My mother often tends to listen to what my father wants. However, he is allowed to make small changes. However, she mostly uses the skill to continue to my dad that things can be done one of two ways that he gets to choose, often knowing by wording it the right way, she will get what she wants and he will feel like he has been the one to give it to her.

The Clinging Girl
These are the centre of attention. They love to change their mind at any time of the day and have the power to make people do the same. They tend to be found in sales types jobs because of their high influence. They have confidence even when they are being illogical to other people's views. They are best suited for a guy who can give them the centre of attention.

I am a clinging-type of girl and I love attention. My finance keeps to himself a lot and does not like to be questioned about activities that will be done. He has a set time he wants things done at and hates when I like to change the routine.

Although guys love to wait on a woman, try to have your clothing and make-up ready the night before a date. He can still wait around five minutes while wishing you could come out. Remember who use to give you attention before the relationship, since you love to have attention divide timing between your friends and your guy. Although it is best when your guy gets along with your friends, try to have your friends time so that they do not feel that you are no-where to be found and miss you.

I typically give my friends around three hours after my classes. I realise that I study best with my friends pressuring me to do my work, otherwise nothing will happen. I also love to go onto dates that take approximate between an hour of phone communication at least once bi-daily. There is also great time to pamper myself so I can stay the centre of attention during play time

The Not-Attentive Girl
These girls are thought to be introverted and not open to the idea of spending a lot of time with someone else. They like to be in their books or activities that lets them their own time. It is thought to have decreased the amount of time that the guy can be worried about them. Their issue is making sure that the guy misses her and yet also remembers to spend time with him. After a certain amount of time, typically a month however in the army it can go for longer but should be discussed upon departure, that the relationship is over.

My friend, Ally, has the type that she is the non-attentive girl in the relationship with my close friend named Rick. She has made it sure that there was time along with her friends but not including him. He got to the point of missing her at times and later on wondering dangerously to if there was indeed a relationship worth continuing.

This type of girl needs to remind herself to set time with her boyfriend and to go. She needs to set out at least once a week to spend time together and have a meaningful conversation. Dating is all about getting to know that person.

After Rick had explained that he was not sure that their relationship was still there. She took a serious look at how much time she spends with him, and increased it enough for him to know she cared. Rick and her later adapted to be twice a week which had lead them to be a very happy couple, now.

The Door-Mat Girl
The door-mat syndrome is when a girl becomes afraid to ask for what they want. They tend to follow whatever their partner asks them to do. They become submissive to the wimps of the relation and ultimately lets the guy lead the relationship. Since their personality, they are more often to fall victim towards the one o'clock boodie call, rather than other groups. Boodie calls are when a guy calls after going out with friends and then desire to get laid after.Their problems may also be co-dependence. Co-dependence is when the girl requires the guy to be happy therefore will do anything no matter what it results in for others to make the guy happy.

My both my sisters are door-mat, however I will be using my sister for this example. My eldest sister is currently in a relationship who it seems like she has a very high in co-dependence and falling victim to the phone call. She will allow him to have an open relationship as long as he is still dating her; however, lately that open relationship has resulted in her being told to not let anyone see that he truly loves her.

It is best if the door-mat starts becoming less available to the guy. It allows him the chance to miss her. She, like the clinging type, need to continue to do the things that made her happy before the relationship. She has been giving the power more so the guy will be surprised when she takes charge, so take charge slowly.

My sister has recently started to state the things that brother her and have taken slow action with the relationship change.  He has slowly allowed her to change certain things in the relationship that allows her to feel more cared about.

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