Wednesday 9 May 2012

A male's guide to: Where all the women

If, you were to look into a relationship and a test how can you find what you want in life? How do you know what personality do you fit into? How can you tell which level you want? Most people have no idea how to use the system and rather or not it works when they look at different testing.

The DISC system was originally created and used by different businesses to seek where people might fit into their company. Over time, they would see a branch of four general personalities but the DISC system goes further into personalities such as DISC,ISCD, IDSC, etc. 

The ETH company uses the DISC system in a unique way. We believe that it can find who suits each other in a perfect relationship. This is one of the short DISC system anyalize that we will be providing to you, more will be released when our book is published.

Ds are very dominate women who tends to be wanting to take charge. They are very direct. They tend to be the managers or owners of their companies or service women. They talk in short length to get to the bottom of things and have short questions.

These women are best suited towards: C and I. C men are gentlemen hidden by books and learning, they are extremely introverted. I men tend to be very outgoing and desiring the center of attention.

These women can often be found at business conventions. Some women tend to go alone and still be on the top of their game. Places like Toastmasters is a wonderful place to pick them up.

I women tend to be outgoing and loud. These women are interested in having themselves seen as important. People tend to be influenced by them easily and are best suited for an sales position or working with people that will respect them. They are seen as the party person.

They are best suited for males who are either S or Ds. D males tend to take charge whenever these Is want to do a million things. S males tend to be more feeling and give them the attention that they desire.

Is can be found primary at social gathering, where they are the party-person and having people admire them. They tend to be enjoying the stage as well so like Ds can be found at Toastmasters or other stage front areas.

C women tend to be very shy and timid. They tend to take a long time to do one thing because they absolutely have to get it right. These are introverted and have to be especially chased because they are into what they want their own activities.

C women tend to be best suited for D and S males to pursue them. The D males tend to be more pushy towards the C women, ultimately giving them a new persepective and a little bit less introverted. S tend to be more introverted so both can have their own alone time.

They are most likely found at book shops or at a middle of a lab. Other places like Starbucks is a great place to find them. Another great place to find them is at a computer area, doing research for the work or at a mesuem.

S women tend to be submissive in a relationship. They will be more doing whatever makes their partner happy. They are all about emotional feelings and great at counselling their partners or others. They tend to be more passive to resolve issues.

S women tend to be better in relationships with C and I males. The I male can have the activities all being what they want to have and talk about themselves. The S woman tends to be just as introverted as the male C and relationship develops by both having time away to do their own activities.

S women tend to be more into activities that their group wants them to go to. Some places they will attend is raves in the community or dark romance. You can possibly find them at areas that sell hand-cuffs, example Hot Topic or Trivium.

None of these photo belong to us. We have used google to find these different photos.

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