Thursday 31 May 2012

Girl's Guide: Monogamy

Monogamy is having one person to be your partner at a time. In the Holy Bible, it states that a person should be only married to one person at a time. However in the Quran, it states that as long as your first wife approves and you are able to take care of both wives equally, then you are allowed to take on a second wife. Women think before the action of making love to someone but men think after. So why is it so benefit to have monogamy?

The reason why women should seek monogamy in a relationship is it provides stability. The stability allows for a deeper connection with their partner and more happiness. In my own personal experience, when I was in a polygamy relationship with my partner because we had just decided to be friends with benefits, I was miserable. I knew that he was allowed to go out and make love to whatever girl he suited during that night, and I had no say in it. I also knew I had the same right. But men if you are reading this too here is a good point of keeping a relationship working, women need to feel protected and loved in a relationship, we can provide for ourselves.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Men's Guide: Asking the girl out

Most girls desire the guy to make the move to ‘just-friends’ to ‘couple’. But, how are the guys suppose to be making that move in the relationship?

1.       Gauge her interest. Is she is a friend and keep laughing when you tell a bad joke? Does she flirt with you, even if you still a friend?

2.       Notice how often she touches you. Even at a bar, a girl will brush her leg against yours or lightly touch your hand. Your friend might hold your hand or look for reasons to touch you.

3.       Observe how she looks at you. She may be smiling and flipping her hair then turning away as a great top. If you’re having a conversation, she will be looking at you and hopefully smiling.

4.       Look directly at her. She needs to feel that she trusts you. By looking down at her chest you are subjecting her.

5.       Help her out. If you are close friends, take her stuff when she needs something done. If you are meeting at an area at the first time, this might mean that you buy her a beverage.

6.       Be confident. Everyone has some good traits about them that one person will like. Learn to like yourself and then things will work out.

7.       Throw yourself out there. Be ready to ask if they want to do an activity with you.

8.       If it does not turn out, stay out there. There are other fish in the sea. Or, it could be that she does not like the activity.  

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Interview: When Long-distance relationships become strained

Hey everyone, catch this! I am your host Lizzie with ETH. Today, we are gathered here with Mr. Gloud, someone who has no social challenges but has experiences with dating one. Who has experienced a connection as an ex-fiancée with someone who has Aspersers. How long were you dating her?
I believe over a year, then off and on, then about a year
What did you believe the hardest thing about the relationship was?
The distance
Long distance can be tough. What is the advice you would give someone who was looking for the same type of relationship?
Try to make sure you have a good call plan, or use messangers to help keep costs down if possible
Okay, how hard is it to keep a friendship with the same girl you almost married?
For me its not too hard, just knowing they are being taken care of is good enough for me.
As the friend and an ex-partner, do you feel that her social challenges had any effect on your relationship?
Yes, she would talk to me often about various issues in her life which considering it was a distance relationship made me felt as if I was carrying extra baggage.
Do you have any advice who was in your position?
Try to handle things level headed and if it starts to become too much let the other person know.
In your opinion who do you believe is better suited for someone who has a social challenge? A person with the same social challenge or someone who does not. And, why?
Supposedly people with similar challenges are not supposed to be together, though I believe it differs from person to person.
Last week, we had a person stating that his girlfriend and him have issues with communication and compassion. How did you resolve this in your pervious relationship and current relationship?
Last week, we discussed Dr. John Gray's idea that men sometimes go into their caves. According to Dr. John Gray, women need to respect the guy's private times. How do you feel that this has played a role in your relationship with her?
It wouldn't have hurt to be honest
Thank you for this interview. I am your host Lizzie from ETH. Remember, true love conquers all challenges. Until next time, where we interview a mother who says her daughter is her biggest hero because of her social challenge!

Monday 28 May 2012

Fashion weekly: Why diets fail

Did you know that men and women lose the same amount on a diet? Many people from each gender want to go onto weight-loss programs. So, then why do we quite the dieting program? We will be discussing the three main reasons why diets do not work.

1.       The diets fail the person. The diet is structured too specific to meet our own lives. The diet should be more formatted to fit our time, energy levels, fitness routine, etc. Most people who are on a diet are also working it with fitness; and, most people who work out for more than 3 hours a bi-daily are required extra protein in their diets.

2.       It is limiting you from the right food. Some diets are specific in what they want you to eat such as a powdered milkshake in the morning for your breakfast. A healthy choice can be an raw egg with milk and spices; that is right egg-nag.  Surprising if you do not add too much sugar, this little beverage can give you the energy you need. When I use to be on the track-team, I had this morning breakfast and shot it back and for the rest of my day I was wide awake and active and this little drink helped me get into semi-finals.

3.       The weight-loss plateau. It means that no matter what diet you go on eventually your body will fail. Your body will notice the change of diet and act according with losing the amount of fat. However once you have lost that much fat, your body has lesser pounds which make it that your body does not to eat as much as previously.

So, than what is recommended? The Canadian Food Guide is a great way to start.    They recommend 5-12 servings of both the grain and fruit section. Milk products get 2-4 per serving unless you are pregnant than it is 3-4.  Meat and alternatives food group gets 2-3 per daily serving. Remember to consult with your doctor for the dieting tips you need.

Friday 25 May 2012

Couple's Guide: Confidence for better sexual intimacy

“I have several problems with getting intimate with my partner. Every time that we get close, I start having fear about my size.”

-Unknown, US

“My partner was a virgin when we did it. I was not.  I wonder if he thinks I am a slut; even, when he tells me I am not.”

-Unknown, Canada

It takes a lot to unclothe you and become intimate with someone else. There are worries that you are not worth your partner’s intimacy. You may suffer from a lack of abilities that you otherwise would have had. How can you improve your confidence enough to enjoy your partner’s love physically? These are ten steps to better your sexual confidence.

1.       Identify why you are feeling that way. Was there ever a time where you were told about your size not being worth it and identify the source it came from. Was it even your partner? Many people have their own personal theories.

2.       Get out of the thought process that you will need to trick your partner. For an example, Tim knows that I am beyond the amount of experiences that he has. So, he allows me to do as much or as little as I see fit.

3.       Take time. Take time to go to the sexual part of the relationship, that way you can already trust your partner and your confidence will be ready for step 4. You can also tease the other, when you pull away from them thus they will be so desiring for you – it would not matter how the sexual techniques are like.

4.       Believe in equality of the relationship. Both people deserve to have their wishes taken care of. Usually in a good relationship if you have an issue with the sexual relationship, your partner is willing to assist you and give you reasons as to why they believe you’re not small or a slut.

5.       There is no one way to do the deed. Many couples have different ways of making love. There is no such thing as the wrong way and you might be shocked of what your partner wants. Each couple differs because people’s wants defer. For an example: my ex loved when I stay still; but, Tim hates.

Join us next week Friday where we discuss how meditation can help.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Women's Guide: Lovers to Friends

“Is it appropriate to have your ex-boyfriend as your friend?”

-Holly, Canada

Many people have an issue with whether or not an ex-partner can be friends.  Although many people will disagree to being friends after a horrible break-up, how do you know if it is appropriate to continue to friendships?
“Let’s just be friends.” But what does it mean to be friends? In some ways being friends with your ex-boyfriend is harder than being friends with someone who was not. If you are willing to put your past relationship aside you can possibly have a friendship. Here is some great tips to continue to be friends with an ex.

How to stay friends after a break-up:

1.       Evaluate whether this is the best course of action. Was it a horrible break up where one or the both of you has been infected over it? Example: if one of you has humiliated the other person in front of your friends; then, it might not be the best of choices.

2.       Allow time to heal. Have you both gotten over the break-up? I have a friend who still tells his ex-girlfriend that he wants to marry her. For approximately 2-3 months, but can take longer or shorter, after the break up heal your broken heart.

3.       A break up is a break-up; if not, then it is not. This is a time to avoid having sex with each other otherwise you may start being girlfriend and boyfriend again. My fiancée and I had flirted on each other while we were broken up and eventually realized we were too good together to stay broken up.

4.       A partner is a partner; and an ex is an ex.  Just like number three there are boundaries, the people must appreciate the new bonds in their ex-partner’s life. Do not glare at the new partner or state that you want to be that person.

5.       Take it slow! Remember, not necessarily will you want to be ‘friends’ all the time. Sometimes it might still sting when you least expect it. If friendship does not work out come together, discuss it with your ex to what should happen. Your current partner or their current partner might also have a say in whether or not is a good idea.


Wednesday 23 May 2012

Guy's Guide: Communication verbal and non-verbal

“I believe it is most important to have compassion, communication, and commitment in a relationship. While I am very committed to my girlfriend, we tend to lack at the other two. Is there any advice you would give us?”

- Brandon, USA

Last week, I answered the questions of compassion. As compassion is the ability and desire to understand what the other person requires. Yesterday, we learned how important that communication is in a long-distance relationship, with Ally. Communication can be divided into verbal and non-verbal.

Words can tell elaborate details of people’s stories.  Words can explain what the other person needs for their caves or physical touch. This is where people with Asperger’s succeed because they cannot lie; but, may explain something until someone else understands what they are saying.

Steve Lowell has a wonderful training area of this. The ‘I’ or what you require is the First-circle, for his public speakers students, that is all about what they require and want. This is hard for other people to listen to, as Toby Keith’s song says “I want to talk about me”. The Third-Circle, for his public speakers students, tells about their personal stories. The most desiring circle is the second circle, for his public speaker students, it allows people to have their own desire to speak and relate (Lowell 2012).

There has been many studies that show approximately between 80%-95% of communication is based on non-verbal. Non-verbal is tone of pitch, body language, and volume. The ability of non-verbal provides: enforcement of words, replacement of words, and to over-ride words. This is the most difficult to people who have Asperger’s as this seems to be a foreign concept to them. It takes a long time for someone to get motor-focus therefore others may come across as awkward.

Michael John Carley has made two different suggestions of improving your non-verbal skills: acting class and videos. Acting class is an amazing way to understand how important and what you require for non-verbal (Carley 2008). As an actress, myself, I had moved from playing the dog part because of how I did not understand the human non-verbal. After taking several courses where I learned what a simple hand gesture meant I moved to a role where all I had was non-verbal skills.  Video taking is another way to improve your non-verbal skills; by first video tapping yourself and then taking tips from your friends (Carley 2008). For another example, I took my very first video with Ally. After my Toastmaster’s group, my friends made suggestions of how to improve my own non-verbal. Now, I can improve my interview skills.


Carley, Michael John. Asperger's from the Inside Out. New York: Perigee Book, 2008.
Lowell, Steve, interview by Alfonso Caudra. Success By Design (2012).

Monday 21 May 2012

What to wear to a party

Most people have been there when they look into their closet and have no idea what to wear. Since it is Victoria Day, this fashion article will be about how to look fashionable at a party from the costume party to the formal party.

The Costume Party
Before you go to this type of party, learn what it is going to be expected, by asking your friends. There are some parties were the scariest costume wins. This is great for long costumes, with creepy faces, and wacky hair. There are other costume parties where it is appropriate to dress up sexy. These have more skin being shown; leave your hair down, etc. Cosplay parties were it is appropriate to dress up as one particular anime character.

 The Casual Party
Image you are just hanging out with your friends to have a couple of beers. This idea outfit is something that does not over-due it. Jeans are a great accompaniment to these parties. The top for a guy should be a nice t-shirt or dress-shirt. Girls should try to wear a tank-top with some sparkles. Come prepared in case beer does get spilled on you.

The Semi-Formal Party
The cocktail party or the dinner-date party is both excellent choices for a semi-formal party. There are great women’s cocktail dresses around to buy!  While wearing a dress, girls should accessorize with matching purses, high-heels, and jewelry. Guys look great in suits during this event.

The Formal Party
These are great balls or the black tie events are great formal parties’ ideas. Men should wear suits or tuxedos to these types of events and have their hair jelled back. Men should accessorize with nice watches. Women should wear gown dresses that go down past their knees. Women should accessorize with matching purses, jewelry, and high-heel shoes.

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Friday 18 May 2012

Guide To: The First Date

The first date sets the mood of what the relationship will be like. Regardless if someone has been dating a while long-distance or living in the same city, the first date shows if the common interests and chemistry is enough in the couple for the continuing of a positive romantic partnership.

The recommended places to suggest on a first date where you can talk. This could include a walk, a meal, etc.

Women can provide for themselves and now rely on the males to express an interest in a relationship. They expect to be called if a guy is going to be late and women are suppose to give the same custody.
Floyd had wanted to take me out to dinner, after knowing each other on line. But he had planned to meet me at 4 o'clock, I was ready to meet with him at this time. Without receiving a phone call and it becoming 5:30 pm, I decided to go to dinner, by myself. By the time I had came back it was approximately 6 pm, and he finally arrived. During the date we had attempted to feel something while kissing, but had no spark. The only thing in common we had was our cadet experience and close to army brat lifestyle.

Sometimes, the first date can tell the person that they are made for each other. Last year I told Tim I would be arriving and planned to go out at another date. I had arrived two days early, he had agreed to meet me in a half an hour but he was there fifteen minutes earlier. Although our family history was not the same, we had our personal interests very much in common. Our chemistry helps to drive our relationship.

Next time your thinking about taking someone on a first date, remember to be in-tuned with where you can go to talk. Think about ways to make sure that you both have chemistry, such as the perfect time to kiss. If your going to be late in a first date, call ahead of time.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Guy's Guide: Compassion


“I believe it is most important to have compassion, communication, and commitment in a relationship. While I am very committed to my girlfriend, we tend to lack at the other two. Is there any advice you would give us?”

-          Brandon, USA

Compassion is the ability and desire to understand what the other and attempt to obtain that for the other person. Compassion therefore requires that the couple understands what both sides want.
A long time ago, it was very easy to understand what women and men were expected to do. According to Dr. John Gray, things went from simple to complex after a couple of generations. Men were supposed to be the hunters. Women were supposed to be into taking care of the home and the children. There is the idea that some women still do this by being the stay-at-home wives, but today this limits their social gatherings. My eldest sister wants this to be her future. She wants her partner to provide for her and stay with her children.

Now, women can obtain their own careers and desire more. The men want to get their women to compliment their work and acknowledge what they have done is appropriate. Women continue to take care of the house and the children as well as being the second income source. Women are in a constant battle with their partners because they find that they are not doing enough. My close personal friend, Nat, goes to school full time, has a full-time job and cleans the house; she is exhausted by the time the day is done so desiring to sleep rather than stay up and compliment her husband. Her husband works full-time and is done schooling but does a chore once and a while.

So, how can a guy suit the fulfilment of providing his partner with their needs and hopes? Start out by remembering to do small things around the house, this way it proves that you are willing to work as equally with your partner in the family. Second if you want to be complimented then that means your partner does too. So, why not write a note to your lover and soon following your partner will write one for you. Just because the honey-moon phrase is over, does not mean the romance needs to be over as well.    

Thanks Brandon for writing in. Do not miss next week where I will be writing to solve your communication issue. Everyone else remember if you have any questions to please send them to


Gray, John. Mars and Venus Together Forever, 131-51. Harper Collins, 1996.
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Women's Guide: Why time alone is best for both

Mars and Venus in love

By: John Gray, Ph.D.
"I am less interested in what other's relationships are like. I want to know more about yours."
- Mandi, Ontario

Men need their private time alone, but this does not mean that he does not love his partner. Dr. John Gray describes when men need their time alone and refers to their cave. In Mars and Venus in love chapter three, Dr. Gray talks about the Martian cave.  

Dr. John Gray explains that a cave does not mean the man loves his partner less. It means he needs his time alone, so that he can later be fully with her. When a woman does not want to talk to each other that mean that they are in a large fight. Women need to understand that it is not their fault. Tim goes into his cave each weekday, yet he is ready to talk only on Saturdays. I use to figure that because he was in his own cave that he was trying to get rid of me. It frustrated me, especially since there were times when I was busy all day on Saturday. I would often feel left out on the weekdays and resent him on the weekends.

According to Dr. John Gary, women also need their space away from the guy too. Men often have told me that they love it when their partner is not telling him why she is busy; she is just hard to get a hold of. Women need to allow themselves to get busy by doing their own activities and what makes them happy. On Saturday, I was busy cleaning my room and eating lunch. My msn was opened but I was not there. I did not really explain myself when I came back. Tim was wondering where I was when I had gotten back. He then tended to flirt with me.

Women and men need their time away from each other. It makes the other curious and desiring to pay more attention for the next time.

Thank you Mandi for writing in. Everyone is encouraged to write into so their questions can be answered.

Gray, John. "Men and Their Caves." In Mars and Venus in love, 131-51. Harper Collins, 1996.

Monday 14 May 2012

Jeans: Formal or not

Some work environments has the causal days and others are less formal environment. Sometimes your partner never tells you where you are going to be on a date. So, when faced with these situations, is it appropriate to wear jeans?
At the work office, you want to look professional regardless of how casual you are. Save your ripped jeans for a day out in the field! Jeans can look great when they are black in the office setting, especially with the right blouse and jacket. There are some black jeans out there that may even look more professional than dress pants. How can we tell which is the best?  Jeans with the same thread color of the pants can hide away the appearance of those annoying lines.  An interesting fact is that sometimes owners of firms will use these types of jeans.

Do not know where you are going on a date? Not to worry, there are jeans can be acceptable in different situations. For an example, black jeans that have white lines with a black jacket and white shirt can be great for a semi-formal occasion. A black or blue jean skirt, for the women, can be also a nice touch to suit.

However, there are some types of jeans that are not accepting in those situations. The jeans that have rips in them should be left for when you are cleaning the house. If a jean has their rips at the bottom of the pants and can be rolled up, it is excusable for going shopping.

If you still question your jeans, send a photo to . I or one of my fashion consults, from ETH, will be glad to evaluate it.

These photos are not ETH match-making property. ETH is not taking any credit for these photos as this company researched for them on Google.

Thursday 10 May 2012

A girl's guide: Where are all the guys

The DISC system is a great way to understand where someone might find a potiental boyfriend. Remember, no one is absolutely one thing but have their more active traits.

The dominate guy has a tendency to try to rule. Often, he is the manager or a business owner. He likes to talk direct and leaves behind feelings. His biggest fear is to lose his control.

Aside from the D woman, who can have a better chance to more understand this male? If someone is looking for an extravert while being an introvert, the C woman is a great canditate. If someone is also extraverted and wanting to begin a relationship, the I woman is a great canditate. This is not to say that the S woman cannot, in the D/S they have to remember each other's boundaries.

D men can often be found where D women are, like Toastmasters etc. They can also be found in steakhouse.

"I"The I man is often about themselves. They like to be more involved in other people. They have a certain influence about them. They are the center of the stage and hate to feel that they are being rejected. The I are often found in sales jobs.

Aside from the I woman, who can have a better chance to more understand this male? If someone is looking for an extravert while being an introvert, the S woman is a great canditate. If someone is looking for a extravert as well, the D woman is a great canditate. The C and I relationship can also work but the I need to remember that the C has to have private time and the C has to remember to woo their I.

I men can often be found at parties, bars, large stages, and celebrations. These men will often travel in packs because of their need to be the center of attention.

The S male is very introverted. However they are a people pleasing person, so when they are with someone they will try to do everything in their power to make that person happy. They tend to be interested in their feelings. The S males often tends to be more in the health department such as counsellor.

Aside from the S woman, who can have a better chance to more understand this male? If someone is looking for an intervert while being an extravert, the I woman is a great canditate. If someone is looking for another intervert, the C woman is a great canditate.  In a D/S relationship, the S should try to talk more directly while the D should try to understand how the S is feeling.

They can also be found doing their favorite hobby, which can range for several people. These can involve amusement parks or scary movies, so their feelings can get a rise. Some others can be found in comic book stores.

The C male is very introverted. He takes a long time to do some work and ensures it's perfection. They are more private and inside their own box. They can be often found as a engireer, computer programer, etc.

 Aside from the C woman, who can have a better chance to more understand this male? If someone is looking for an intervert while being an extravert, the D woman is a great canditate. If someone is looking for another intervert, the S woman is a great canditate. In the C/I relationship the C should try to pay more attention to their I, while the I should try to not be upset when the C gets into their private area.

The C can be found at areas where the C woman is. They are also into conventions such as anime or comic book.

ETH does not own any of these photos.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

A male's guide to: Where all the women

If, you were to look into a relationship and a test how can you find what you want in life? How do you know what personality do you fit into? How can you tell which level you want? Most people have no idea how to use the system and rather or not it works when they look at different testing.

The DISC system was originally created and used by different businesses to seek where people might fit into their company. Over time, they would see a branch of four general personalities but the DISC system goes further into personalities such as DISC,ISCD, IDSC, etc. 

The ETH company uses the DISC system in a unique way. We believe that it can find who suits each other in a perfect relationship. This is one of the short DISC system anyalize that we will be providing to you, more will be released when our book is published.

Ds are very dominate women who tends to be wanting to take charge. They are very direct. They tend to be the managers or owners of their companies or service women. They talk in short length to get to the bottom of things and have short questions.

These women are best suited towards: C and I. C men are gentlemen hidden by books and learning, they are extremely introverted. I men tend to be very outgoing and desiring the center of attention.

These women can often be found at business conventions. Some women tend to go alone and still be on the top of their game. Places like Toastmasters is a wonderful place to pick them up.

I women tend to be outgoing and loud. These women are interested in having themselves seen as important. People tend to be influenced by them easily and are best suited for an sales position or working with people that will respect them. They are seen as the party person.

They are best suited for males who are either S or Ds. D males tend to take charge whenever these Is want to do a million things. S males tend to be more feeling and give them the attention that they desire.

Is can be found primary at social gathering, where they are the party-person and having people admire them. They tend to be enjoying the stage as well so like Ds can be found at Toastmasters or other stage front areas.

C women tend to be very shy and timid. They tend to take a long time to do one thing because they absolutely have to get it right. These are introverted and have to be especially chased because they are into what they want their own activities.

C women tend to be best suited for D and S males to pursue them. The D males tend to be more pushy towards the C women, ultimately giving them a new persepective and a little bit less introverted. S tend to be more introverted so both can have their own alone time.

They are most likely found at book shops or at a middle of a lab. Other places like Starbucks is a great place to find them. Another great place to find them is at a computer area, doing research for the work or at a mesuem.

S women tend to be submissive in a relationship. They will be more doing whatever makes their partner happy. They are all about emotional feelings and great at counselling their partners or others. They tend to be more passive to resolve issues.

S women tend to be better in relationships with C and I males. The I male can have the activities all being what they want to have and talk about themselves. The S woman tends to be just as introverted as the male C and relationship develops by both having time away to do their own activities.

S women tend to be more into activities that their group wants them to go to. Some places they will attend is raves in the community or dark romance. You can possibly find them at areas that sell hand-cuffs, example Hot Topic or Trivium.

None of these photo belong to us. We have used google to find these different photos.

Friday 4 May 2012

How to be a host at a party

Today was my nephew's birthday. This article will deal with how to be the centre of attention at a party or also thought of as the host.

The common belief with this talent is that only the host/hostess is allowed to use it. Although in business meetings it does seem to work for multiple people, there is a lack of people who use this technique.

The hostess while meeting someone, will often put a hand over someone that they know to show that they should open up the conversation. This shows that if it is a private conversation in the middle of a party that they get the ability to not open. If the conversation is opened to the person, who is using the technique, it provides someone else with the task of introductions.

While inviting someone into the conversation, this technique is especially useful. The person will make the introductions. An introduction usually includes: the person's name, how the person knows them. It allows a new conversation to begin or keep with the same one.

Thursday 3 May 2012

The Dream girl - A woman's guide to a man's heart

A issue for women while in a relationship is how to become a guy's dream girl. A girl must learn how to not come off too assertive, clinging, not-attentive, or door-mat material. Today's article, Thursday,  will teach women how to become and stay the dream girl.

The Assertive Girl
An assertive girl is thought to know what they want and not afraid to go out and get it. They are risk takers often leading towards careers, in: policing, military, etc. Their issues may arise that they tend to dominate the relationship and do not listen to their partners suggestions.

My mother is an assertive girl who loves to attempt to dominate her relationships. The guys have to battle to have a say in what they want or need. My dad is one that tends to make slight adjustments although often continues to have to listen to what my mother says. My dad will try to get her to change her mind but with no vial.

Power is key in the work force, however require to lighten up a little bit to have a successful relationship. They should attempt to be a more active listener to the desires of their partners. Start of making slow adjustments to assist with the balance of ideas to improve the relationship. Or give the idea of an equal partnership by making it seem that it was them who decided on it.

My mother often tends to listen to what my father wants. However, he is allowed to make small changes. However, she mostly uses the skill to continue to my dad that things can be done one of two ways that he gets to choose, often knowing by wording it the right way, she will get what she wants and he will feel like he has been the one to give it to her.

The Clinging Girl
These are the centre of attention. They love to change their mind at any time of the day and have the power to make people do the same. They tend to be found in sales types jobs because of their high influence. They have confidence even when they are being illogical to other people's views. They are best suited for a guy who can give them the centre of attention.

I am a clinging-type of girl and I love attention. My finance keeps to himself a lot and does not like to be questioned about activities that will be done. He has a set time he wants things done at and hates when I like to change the routine.

Although guys love to wait on a woman, try to have your clothing and make-up ready the night before a date. He can still wait around five minutes while wishing you could come out. Remember who use to give you attention before the relationship, since you love to have attention divide timing between your friends and your guy. Although it is best when your guy gets along with your friends, try to have your friends time so that they do not feel that you are no-where to be found and miss you.

I typically give my friends around three hours after my classes. I realise that I study best with my friends pressuring me to do my work, otherwise nothing will happen. I also love to go onto dates that take approximate between an hour of phone communication at least once bi-daily. There is also great time to pamper myself so I can stay the centre of attention during play time

The Not-Attentive Girl
These girls are thought to be introverted and not open to the idea of spending a lot of time with someone else. They like to be in their books or activities that lets them their own time. It is thought to have decreased the amount of time that the guy can be worried about them. Their issue is making sure that the guy misses her and yet also remembers to spend time with him. After a certain amount of time, typically a month however in the army it can go for longer but should be discussed upon departure, that the relationship is over.

My friend, Ally, has the type that she is the non-attentive girl in the relationship with my close friend named Rick. She has made it sure that there was time along with her friends but not including him. He got to the point of missing her at times and later on wondering dangerously to if there was indeed a relationship worth continuing.

This type of girl needs to remind herself to set time with her boyfriend and to go. She needs to set out at least once a week to spend time together and have a meaningful conversation. Dating is all about getting to know that person.

After Rick had explained that he was not sure that their relationship was still there. She took a serious look at how much time she spends with him, and increased it enough for him to know she cared. Rick and her later adapted to be twice a week which had lead them to be a very happy couple, now.

The Door-Mat Girl
The door-mat syndrome is when a girl becomes afraid to ask for what they want. They tend to follow whatever their partner asks them to do. They become submissive to the wimps of the relation and ultimately lets the guy lead the relationship. Since their personality, they are more often to fall victim towards the one o'clock boodie call, rather than other groups. Boodie calls are when a guy calls after going out with friends and then desire to get laid after.Their problems may also be co-dependence. Co-dependence is when the girl requires the guy to be happy therefore will do anything no matter what it results in for others to make the guy happy.

My both my sisters are door-mat, however I will be using my sister for this example. My eldest sister is currently in a relationship who it seems like she has a very high in co-dependence and falling victim to the phone call. She will allow him to have an open relationship as long as he is still dating her; however, lately that open relationship has resulted in her being told to not let anyone see that he truly loves her.

It is best if the door-mat starts becoming less available to the guy. It allows him the chance to miss her. She, like the clinging type, need to continue to do the things that made her happy before the relationship. She has been giving the power more so the guy will be surprised when she takes charge, so take charge slowly.

My sister has recently started to state the things that brother her and have taken slow action with the relationship change.  He has slowly allowed her to change certain things in the relationship that allows her to feel more cared about.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Chivalry - The guy's best friend

Do you know that ‘nice guy’ and ‘player’ debate? Where it seems like a girl likes only one of those types and one is always left being ‘the friend’. I have a friend who seems to be the sweetest guy but came off as a little too sweet or friendly to my cousin. He attempted to woo her but his very attempts would seem burn to a crisp until she went after a ‘player’. 

There is a way to give a girl both types at the same time. Many guys seem to be nice in a chivalrous type of way and then wonder after they went to the extremes why chivalry is dead. But, chivalry like most things is not dead but changed over a period of time with the society we presently live in. This article will explain how each of the six general rules of chivalry can still be very much applied to dating currently.

Rule One: The lover looks on the beloved as one who is higher and can be approached only with suppressed awe and wonder.

In what is called the ‘honeymoon’ phrase of a relationship or being to date. Everything is new and fresh. It is like sucking up the time between you two and truly enjoying it. This is the time that you are truly getting to rebuild or build your relationship.

While meeting a person for the first time: give a question and provide a compliment; most important give a smile. Upon meeting an ex of mine, he had used this approach which made me want to be around him. He had known that I was searching for something that I was missing; he had provided different questions to lead into a conversation of what I was missing. Shortly after I warmed up to him, he provided me with a compliment about my appearance and how he did not think that he could stand to be around someone as good looking as I am. This is a great type of compliment to see if the girl wants to be around you as it leaves an opening for them to walk away.

Honeymoon can last for approximate a year while getting to know someone, after marriage or after another changing dynamic in a relationship. After fresh perspective later in the relationship, it is the perfect time to go on a date and communicate, alone without anyone brothering you. Yes, that includes kids. For another example, I am constantly wondering where my niece and nephew are since I live with them but my current finance had asked me to go on another date with him after we got engaged.

Second rule: The lover’s body is deeply disturbed with a malady like sicknesses.

If it is too confusing to have sex when deciding on whether or not you are in a relationship, what should you do? I would recommend kissing but not doing anything below the belt. The girl that you are dating should not want to jump into bed with anyone that she does not know if there is a future with.

Give her the hot French kiss and she knows whether or not the sex is great, she would be willing to stay.  My friend, Ashley, has been dating a guy who gives amazing French kisses and snuggles greatly in bed. However, their sexual life can be improved stated by him.

Third rule: The lover becomes his beloved’s servant. He proves his loyalty and patience by seeking to obtain her nearly unobtainable affections.

 This is where most men will get have the issues between being the ‘player’ and the ‘nice guy’. Remember, although it is important to not force the romance – life is not a drama where a guy absolutely needs to throw down a jacket and show that he loves her that way.

But, there are ways to for the ‘nice guy’ to still show chivalry regardless of doing over the top romantic things. The guy should buy the first date and set the mood. A nice place for a date may include: dinner and a movie, dinner and dancing, fair, go-carting, etc. These places you can have fun, get to know each other, and the girl does not feel tested. My friend Sam had taken his now girlfriend to a dinner where although they were not the best dancers they could show each other a little bit of moves. Sam paid for everything including to dedicate a song to ask her to be his girl rather than his friend.

Forth rule: The lover always dwells inwardly on the beloved.

It is often said that guys do not want girls to be clinging; but, the same goes for most girls. However, both girls feel the same way to guys that they are in a relationship in. There requires being a finding of who people are in and out of the relationship. There requires being a balance between the two; since, without the balance the relationship will crumble. The person who does not have a balance between habits and their girlfriend creates the girl requiring some space.

Nick, my friend, had spent all his time with his girlfriend and she would often make herself busier. She had gotten feeling that there was too much time spent with him. When your girlfriend attempts to make herself have more activities and does not care how this affects your relationship or/and not willing to pick up the phone, means that you need more space with her. This is common in people who are often introverts. My friend has a developed an agreement that she would give her boyfriend a day out of the week so that she could be balancing everything.

Nick had another girlfriend, who had been a center of attention; he would give her very limited time.  It resulted in her complaining about him not spending enough time with her. When your girlfriend is willing to give you more time to see each other or complaining; she desires more time from you. This occurs more when you’re dealing with someone who is an center of attention seeker. My fiancée and I have to spend approximately a couple of hours together since I desire a lot of attention. In the same day, I am able to balance in time with my friends/clients, time for work, and time for myself.  

Fifth rule: Jealousy disturbs love; a true love is always loyal.

This is a ‘nice guy’ has the advantage over the ‘player’. The player often happens to be giving a lot of jealousy over his woman; this is thought to be mistrust after doing something wrong. However, the ‘nice guy’s often also gets jealous; but they tend to know how to make it secret. There are certain things that allow for a certain amount for jealous, such as: hitting on the ex, flirting with another guy. However, in a relationship you have to be willing to listen. Faith, my friend, often still talks to her first boyfriend who she was engaged to and now her boyfriend constantly gets jealous. But, he approaches the situation perfectly by knowing that if she wanted her ex she would have been with him still, thereby leaving the room or talking after their conversation.

Sixth rule: Such a pursuit empowers the lover’s prowess, courage, and obedience. He may even be moved to greater piety and loyalty to his kingdom.

Every good relationship has support inside of it. The relationship needs support and positivity in it to improve both partners equally. Even though the partners might have slight variations of what is the appropriate way to resolve a conflict outside of their relationship; they must work as a team to complete a solid foundation. For an example, my finance has supports me to get a law degree on the side of running a business. He has no idea how to run a business successfully and opposed people who want to be a prosecutor; but he knows how it makes me feel more like I am giving back to society.