Monday 13 August 2012


What can you wear to turn on your partner? Lingerie is said to be for attractive underwear but different for both genders. We gathered up three different types of types of lingerie: full outfit, tan-outfit, and totally revealing.

Full Outfit Lingerie

A full body outfit is sort of like a one-peice swim-suit where it covers everything; especially, how the fine men get to parade around with shirts are unrequited. Men are left doing the one thing they love: imaging what their fine women look like under the attire. Full outfit lingerie is great for when your future fun-mate is sleeping over but you ain't ready to take it to that next step. These outfits can be sexy mini-black dresses that can make a man's arouse stand firm. Women can also find a cute little pajamas; cute little note any pair of pajamas turns on men so you can possibly save money.


If the full body outfit is a one-piece bathing suit; than, this is like a tan-kine. "Tan" meaning two piece, of course. Men and women can bond in heat where their sexual partner walks around in this. Leaving room for some imagination; but, easier to rip off when the time seems right leaves our partner speech-less.  

 Totally revealing 

Whether it is time for some amazing fun or just what is plain under your cloths, totally revealing lingerie is a fresh way to spice up your ware-robe and make you feel sexy! A tip for the men, attempt to get a color that your girl or guy would love whether it is in boxers or underwear. For the women a tip for searching something for your lover, something matching is sure to have them pulling you to them. In some cultures, within two weeks of purchasing women lingerie for under everything, if a woman is having a sexual relationship with someone, people choose to "break-in" by wearing that during making love.

Whatever you choose to wear for your partner or self; have fun and please join us nest time.


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