Wednesday 15 August 2012

Five Sexual Myths Revealed

Were you ever shocked to find out what your partner had on her mind? Today, I will uncover five myths with prove studies. Get ready to spice up your mind!   

Myth 1: Men think about sex more than females. 
TRUE: Is it wrong to think about sleeping or eating more? Because, an Ohio State University found that the general male population think about sex, sleeping, and eating more than women do. Men are more pronoun to be thinking of things that they require for survival than women. So, send your partner a naughty text - it is always a great way to spice up the it might lead to something naughty later!

Myth 2: Women get aroused by men who have power and status. 
FALSE: Sure, women have might have a list of desirable; but, women ready for love are willing to have some of those subtracted for the right guy. According to a Northwestern University study, women are more likely to leave behind the need for power and wealth for an actual partner. Be proud of any job that you have; because, with that job you can get the one thing the girl is looking for - a fun date! With August almost done, head over to apple picking or the local beach party.

Myth 3: Women have fewer sexual partners than men. 
DEPENDS: Generally, men try to be more macho by adding two more women by the number of women they have sexual relationships with. Women, on the hand, are afraid to be thought of as sluts and thus tend to minus by two sexual partners. So, how can you learn the truth of how much? Start off slow in the relationship and when the women does not feel judged then ask.

Myth 4: Women organism less frequently than men.
FALSE: Women tend to organism in different rates, while having sexual pleasure. According to an Indian University, women's organism can range from hardly gonna occur to almost always gonna occur. For a first time hook-up, get ready for your partner to hardly occur, at a rate of 32%. Women's organism increases only slightly for repeated hook-ups with a partner to 49%. If you are committed together, women's organism will increase to as high as 79$, because men tend to be more generous during foreplay. Explore your woman's body and take a look at my fore playing blog for further pointers.

Myth 5: Most men want women with hot bodies.
True: Although this may be true, it might come as a shock what general men find is appealing. According to an article in  PLoS one, men under stress prefer a heavier or full-figured woman, rather than a thin one. According to those researchers, men prefer this kind of woman because they come with a more mature physical characteristics; as, they symbolize independence, control, and strength. But hey, let's be honest - as long as you are with one you love why does it really matter what they look like?

Keep love fresh because it can occur all borders, and myths! Until next time...


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