Thursday 16 August 2012

Five Dating Myths

Beautiful women are being tricked by society into myths about dating. Today, we are looking at different five myths for society.

MYTH 1: If several friend or family member think that the male is wrong for you, automatically they are wrong.
FALSE: Ever heard of the phrase of 'can't see the forest through the trees'? Your friends and family have your best interest in their hearts; so, if the person was good for you then they should also see that. However if there is some mistakes occurring in your relationship. If you also find something wrong, evaluate if it is wroth keeping.

MYTH 2: Women should feel more comfortable to make the first move.
TRUE: Ever heard that men are more supposed to be more hunters? Sure, but that does not mean they do not to be teased by their prey! Different studies have ranged from 85-90% of body language for the human language; while, there is only 10-15% of human language is verbal. So, smile at the guy and then play with your hair - and have him come rolling over your way.

MYTH 3: Friends leads to lovers. 
DEPENDS:  Common grounds can pull together friends and lovers.  Tim and I became friends before we started to date, with the common interest of role-playing. While CyberPsychology has done a study on Facebook, that states that putting your potential relationship as a friend can lead them to be jealous and have the possibility of not having a relationship. Be careful with getting your potential partner too jealous before a relationship.

MYTH 4: Males like it when you engage them.
TRUE:  Ever heard of the story about being vein? Conversations occur with one speaking, the other listening and responding.

MYTH 5: The first thing a guy notices is your eyes.
FALSE: Ever heard or had to use the phrase "my eyes are up here"? There is a reason that women have to use it. Cosmo and AskMen have taken a study of what men desire more. The result of the study shows 62% of men are checking out for a hot body for the purpose of producing young; while, only 27% are looking into the women's eyes. So, wear something flashy with a slight seductive appeal without crossing the line to tramp.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Five Sexual Myths Revealed

Were you ever shocked to find out what your partner had on her mind? Today, I will uncover five myths with prove studies. Get ready to spice up your mind!   

Myth 1: Men think about sex more than females. 
TRUE: Is it wrong to think about sleeping or eating more? Because, an Ohio State University found that the general male population think about sex, sleeping, and eating more than women do. Men are more pronoun to be thinking of things that they require for survival than women. So, send your partner a naughty text - it is always a great way to spice up the it might lead to something naughty later!

Myth 2: Women get aroused by men who have power and status. 
FALSE: Sure, women have might have a list of desirable; but, women ready for love are willing to have some of those subtracted for the right guy. According to a Northwestern University study, women are more likely to leave behind the need for power and wealth for an actual partner. Be proud of any job that you have; because, with that job you can get the one thing the girl is looking for - a fun date! With August almost done, head over to apple picking or the local beach party.

Myth 3: Women have fewer sexual partners than men. 
DEPENDS: Generally, men try to be more macho by adding two more women by the number of women they have sexual relationships with. Women, on the hand, are afraid to be thought of as sluts and thus tend to minus by two sexual partners. So, how can you learn the truth of how much? Start off slow in the relationship and when the women does not feel judged then ask.

Myth 4: Women organism less frequently than men.
FALSE: Women tend to organism in different rates, while having sexual pleasure. According to an Indian University, women's organism can range from hardly gonna occur to almost always gonna occur. For a first time hook-up, get ready for your partner to hardly occur, at a rate of 32%. Women's organism increases only slightly for repeated hook-ups with a partner to 49%. If you are committed together, women's organism will increase to as high as 79$, because men tend to be more generous during foreplay. Explore your woman's body and take a look at my fore playing blog for further pointers.

Myth 5: Most men want women with hot bodies.
True: Although this may be true, it might come as a shock what general men find is appealing. According to an article in  PLoS one, men under stress prefer a heavier or full-figured woman, rather than a thin one. According to those researchers, men prefer this kind of woman because they come with a more mature physical characteristics; as, they symbolize independence, control, and strength. But hey, let's be honest - as long as you are with one you love why does it really matter what they look like?

Keep love fresh because it can occur all borders, and myths! Until next time...


Tuesday 14 August 2012

Asperger's Syndrome

Without looking at others knowledge of Asperger Syndrome, I dove into writing about this topic. In that manner, I would like to apologise to everyone if my messages were confusing. The second matter I would like to apologise to everyone about,  was about me having Aspergers.  While my future husband, and on October 25th will become husband, does indeed have Aspergers, I do not. I have ADHD. I apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused you. 
Approximately one in three hundred people have Aspergers, with some not even knowing it.  Asperger is a type of Autism; but, people with Aspergers have better speech capabilities. Asperger's was described in 1940s by Hans Asperger; when, he found children acting slightly different than 'normal children'. 

Characteristics of Asperger's 

  • Good language and cognitive skills
  • Frequently like to collect things
  • Interested in a couple of few things - and spending most of their time on this
  • Finding social situations confusing 
  • Empathy is difficult; and, some may have to be reminded that people have feelings
  • Most can process average to above average
  • Motor skill delay - which might make them appear to be clumsy
  • Hard to make small talk 
  • Do not enjoy story-telling
  • Literal thinker
  • Repetitive routines - may appear inflexible
  • Other people may think the person is being rude
  • Have a difficulty making friends and have very few close friends
  • Can focus on things for a long period of time
  • Good at picking up details or facts

Awesome People who have Asperger's

  • Steven Spielberg (Diagnosed as an adult)
  • Courtney Young (Diagnosed as an child - "mild autism")
  • Albert Einstein (Suspected?)
  • Dan Aykroyd (Diagnosed as a child)
  • Daryl Hannah (Diagnosed as an child - "borderline autism"
  • My future husband

    What does that mean? Might mean to get that cute person's attention you need to talk about a certain subject! Until next time...

Monday 13 August 2012


What can you wear to turn on your partner? Lingerie is said to be for attractive underwear but different for both genders. We gathered up three different types of types of lingerie: full outfit, tan-outfit, and totally revealing.

Full Outfit Lingerie

A full body outfit is sort of like a one-peice swim-suit where it covers everything; especially, how the fine men get to parade around with shirts are unrequited. Men are left doing the one thing they love: imaging what their fine women look like under the attire. Full outfit lingerie is great for when your future fun-mate is sleeping over but you ain't ready to take it to that next step. These outfits can be sexy mini-black dresses that can make a man's arouse stand firm. Women can also find a cute little pajamas; cute little note any pair of pajamas turns on men so you can possibly save money.


If the full body outfit is a one-piece bathing suit; than, this is like a tan-kine. "Tan" meaning two piece, of course. Men and women can bond in heat where their sexual partner walks around in this. Leaving room for some imagination; but, easier to rip off when the time seems right leaves our partner speech-less.  

 Totally revealing 

Whether it is time for some amazing fun or just what is plain under your cloths, totally revealing lingerie is a fresh way to spice up your ware-robe and make you feel sexy! A tip for the men, attempt to get a color that your girl or guy would love whether it is in boxers or underwear. For the women a tip for searching something for your lover, something matching is sure to have them pulling you to them. In some cultures, within two weeks of purchasing women lingerie for under everything, if a woman is having a sexual relationship with someone, people choose to "break-in" by wearing that during making love.

Whatever you choose to wear for your partner or self; have fun and please join us nest time.


Friday 10 August 2012


Having sexual encounters are different for each couple; but, foreplay is an important part of making someone else in the mood during a long time to make love with your partner. Foreplay is a physical and/or emotional connection that brings a more spiritual, romantic, seductive, and powerful.We are looking at four different things that can work for fore-playing: touch, kisses, role-playing and games. :

There is other parts of the body, besides privates, where it is used to loose up the body which can get aroused by how you touch. The sitting on the guy's lap has been an old fashioned style of turning on both; however, if one can't fit putting your legs but, if you have an issue with that putting your legs over theirs is a great back-up. Playing with each others' hair, works especially if they are female. The playing with inner thighs, greatly used for teasing but not making that instantly leap to privates.  Fair warning, if you have 'gentle hands' which is great for massage, you may put your lover to sleep if you massage them too gently.

Touching is not the only physical connection that can arouse your partner. A great help if you have gentle hands which makes touches even harder.  Of course, you can kiss the lips and get aroused; but, normally it has been done and now it is time to move on. Therefore the question remains: move onto what? The neck to jawline with your lips, it sends shivers down the back. Speaking about the back, if you have gentle send kisses down the back it can send them spinning. The chest for both sexs can get them aroused to have your lips lower.

Everyone has had a fantasy. The typical fantasies include: french maid, pirates, fairy-tales, naughty student and sexy police officer.  No doubt that is why you can pick up some of these outfits at novelty stores! Most couples who have meet on 3-D chats or form chats often lead to role-playing because normally that is how they meet.  If, you want to try to coax yourself inside in it, there are cards that can help you act into it.

For those who are desiring some more adventurous sexual encounters to spice up your bedroom, think games! They can include card games and daring little dice games.Card games can include things such as: dirty truth or dare, call of the wild, trivia, etc. Daring little dice games is rolling around an arousal game and doing the act for three minutes. All of these can be found at your closest novelty stores! So spice up and let loose!