Monday 4 June 2012

Fashion Monday: Safety for Fitness

How many of you do some fitness activities? How can you protect yourself with fitness activities? Today on Fashion Monday, we take a look at 5 different things that can help you have a great work out!  

1.       Consult with your professional. The doctors should know what your body can and cannot do. They may even have something to do while going through rehab. Other professionals you can trust is fitness coaches in your nearby gym.

2.       Have a spotter. This is a great supporter for all fitness activities. They can be your back-up and supporter when you require it. Back-up when you are doing weights is if you accidently give up on the weights they can be there to take it off you. Be sure, that you have someone who can lift up the same weight as you for this. For long walks, a great supporter will push you to your boundaries and then have you walk back. Either one of you should have a great sense of direction. Friends work best for this; but, if you do not have someone you can rely on certain training sites.

3.       Push until your uncomfortable; but not more. Let’s say someone can carry 50 pounds. Then they should try their best with 55 pounds or 60 pounds to allow for a burning sensation. However, do not try to make it up to 70 because you may risk hurting your body.

            Do not work out until an hour later. While you are swimming, your meal becomes an extra weight that you have to swim with. While you can eat certain things to improve on other activities, it is generally a good idea to avoid eating while swimming. I have eaten two course meals than swam within that time; I threw up everything and had to be brought back into my home. You can also stay in the shallow area of a pool if you are just finished eating, that way you can stand up if a leg starts cramping because of the additional weight.

5.       Remember to do exercises before a strenuous activity. Stretching out your body makes it easier to not get hurt. With pointing to your feet and then reaching up. You can also try putting your legs up high to your chest and then kicking your butt.  

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Friday 1 June 2012

Sexual Condifence through Meditation

Through meditation you can open your own body to energy as it passes in and around you. You can join in the dance of creation better with your partner. Take time to meditate each day so that you may be able to focus more while making love to your significant other.

1.       Start with lying down on the floor. Your head should be supported with a pillow at the start of your neck and leave enough space for your head to tilt slightly down. This can come in handy for a great position while doing the missionary position or cowgirl position.

2.       Focus on your breathing. Remember to breathe in from your nose and out through your lips. As you focus on your breathing, begin to feel yourself get relaxed and focus to becoming more aligned with your body.

3.        Concentrate on widening your hips. Allow your body to spread across the floor more. Becoming one with the feeling.  Bend your knees so that your hips can be wider.

4.       As you breathe, encourage every cell to expand while envisioning your inner self. Spreading up your body to allow every cell to expand as you relax greater into your breathing. Envisioning your inner self and the pleasure you are feeling.

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